Foody adventures

It has been a while since I used this blog. To tell you the truth, I forgotten that I had it. So much for blogging once weekly. Oh well, I'm back with a new plan.

Those of you who know me are well aware of my passion for food and I have yet again been asked to write a cook book. I'm afraid that's not a good idea, as I cook without proper measurements and not even I can make a dish taste the same every time. If I can't do it, how can anyone else expect to recreate any of my makings?

Instead I have decided to create a Facebook group, so I should really start thinking about a suitable name for it. Mia's Menu, perhaps? You see, my plan is to every so often share a weekly menu, followed by guidelines on how to cook a dish resembling mine, should anyone one to do that. Because I also have this blog, I may as well do the same here and perhaps reach more foodies, likeminded people with a love for experimental meals.

Yes, I love experimenting with food. If a recipe says 'boil these vegetables' I'm likely to roast them with seasoning. Why not, if it means adding flavour? Flavour rocks! Why not, if it means breaking the rules? My kitchen, my rules. Why not, if it means potentially making a better meal than the advertised one? Sometimes the tweaks works, sometimes they don't. Should the dinner end up inedible, there is always take away pizza.

A couple of years ago I lost weight with the Cambridge Diet, a crash diet with a strict step system to follow after the weight loss to ensure the kilos stay off. After only having three diet products a day and nothing else apart from no calorie drinks on step 1, you start adding food on step 2 and from step 3 the products are reduced alongside the increase of real food until you reach 'real life' on step 6.  There is a traffic light guidance system; green for great food items, amber for stuff you want to be careful with and red for things you may want to think twice about. The most important detail about this diet is the consultant. You can only buy the product from a certified consultant and you get regular weigh ins along your journey. I was lucky to become good friends with my consultant and we have continued meeting up (and weighing in) long after I reached my goal.

I can't praise this diet enough, especially after trying for so long to shed the muffin top, only to pop another button instead. During step 2 only certain food items (green on the traffic light system) are allowed and in order to enjoy an interesting menu, you need to experiment and be brave with what you have. I quickly learned that broccoli and cauliflower ruled the world where bread and pasta were no longer allowed. Eventually I was allowed to add parsnips to the list of edibles and that was a nice change to the farty food.

Check these bad boys out! Fabulous fish burgers in broccoli buns... No, I can't say that with a straight face. Blitzed broccoli, mixed with eggs and seasoning and baked in the oven does not come even close to replacing a burger buns, but they held together and made me believe I was having a Mc Donald's meal. Celeriac chips on the side completed the lush experience. You don't have to take my word for it. Let's just say that I won't make that particular meal again in a hurry.

Since those green days I have come a long way. After working my way up all six of the steps and keeping the weight off for over a year, I was back to eating a variety of seriously good food. The following year I travelled a lot and put on a few kilos, which I decided to keep as they ended up in the right places, if you know what I mean... Who wants a flat bum? Not me, that's for sure. Now I aim to keep the new weight and still enjoy good food.

So, have I ditched the farty food in favour of bread and pasta? No, I haven't. I still don't eat burger buns, but I opt for Warburton thins instead of broccoli 'bread'. Pasta is sometimes mixed with grated courgette to reduce the amount of carbs and I actually love parsnip pizza and rice. It is this love for alternative food that I would like to share. Naturally we don't only eat low carb meals, but I think twice about most meals when cooking.

Should you want to follow my kitchen adventures, feel free to watch this space. Just don't hold your breath, in case I forget again.



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