Foody adventures

It has been a while since I used this blog. To tell you the truth, I forgotten that I had it. So much for blogging once weekly. Oh well, I'm back with a new plan. Those of you who know me are well aware of my passion for food and I have yet again been asked to write a cook book. I'm afraid that's not a good idea, as I cook without proper measurements and not even I can make a dish taste the same every time. If I can't do it, how can anyone else expect to recreate any of my makings? Instead I have decided to create a Facebook group, so I should really start thinking about a suitable name for it. Mia's Menu, perhaps? You see, my plan is to every so often share a weekly menu, followed by guidelines on how to cook a dish resembling mine, should anyone one to do that. Because I also have this blog, I may as well do the same here and perhaps reach more foodies, likeminded people with a love for experimental meals. Yes, I love experimenting with food. If a rec...