Taking flight as a blogger


Mia here, about to take flight as a first time blogger. All going well, there will be weekly entries containing various passions of mine. I am aiming for either Wednesday or Thursday as my main blog day, should anyone be interested.

Why would anyone want to read my blog? Because I make stuff, stuff that you can eat, use, wear, play with or read and I have been asked numerous times to share my creations. Well, here they are!

My passion for cooking developed in early childhood, when I was given a plastic hob on which I fried hazelnuts and cooked imaginary dinners for my dolls. From the age of 7 or 8 mum allowed me to use the real cooker to make myself something to eat after school. By not being scared of burning my fingers (which I probably did) or cooking something that wasn't edible (which I most likely did now and then), my confidence in the kitchen grew. 

Measuring or strictly following recipes have never been of great importance, so please don't expect any accurate recipes on this page. I'm more of a haphazard cook, someone who experiments and hopes for the best. More often than not, it comes out decent.

I recently completed a very strict pre-holiday diet, The Cambridge Weight Plan and when introducing proper food again, it was essential that it was well balanced and cooked in a healthy way. To tell you the truth, it was on one of the CWP recipe share sites I was asked to start my own page or a blog. The only thing was that I didn't only want to write about cooking, when I have so many other things to share as well. 

Later on today, I shall make an attempt to a step by step photo guide to cooking a super healthy lunch and if I can figure out how this blogging business works, I may post it here.

When I'm not in the kitchen, you are likely to find me with a needle in my hand. Among other things, I make viking age clothing, bags and toys and I spend hours on end on my current project. In July last year I started on a life size replica of the Bayeux tapestry. So far I have completed 6.5 m and I have outlined another 70 cm, which is waiting to be filled in. I'm keen to get my hands on it now, but I have been asked to make a few pieces of clothing and a requests come before pleasure-sewing.

The tapestry has its own Facebook page and it will therefore rarely feature in this blog. You can search for 'Mia's Bayeux tapestry story' and follow the progress there, should you wish to do so.

On this page you are more likely to find other makings, such as finger puppets, peg bags and dog beds. Anything I can hand stitch is fair game. Yes, I do have a sewing machine, but I'm yet to learn how to master it. One day...

Finally, I do occasionally work on a novel that I'm more than halfway through. Another few manuscripts are ready and waiting to discovered by a publisher. One day... maybe... I never give up hope.

Well, that's probably enough for my very first blog. I will be back.


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