Glove and finger puppet galore

What to do with loads of scrap material, leftovers from various large projects? Glove puppets! I have a friend who is crazy about owls and when I thought she could do with a surprise gift, I made her the owl above. Not that she would necessarily play with it, but a collector is always searching for unique items and I knew she didn't have one of these. It ended up as a decorative piece, covering a wine bottle, I think. How to make it? It is simple. Find two pieces of sturdy material, preferably something that doesn't fray. If the fabric does fray, you need to stitch the raw edges on the inside as well. Measure the pieces according to your hand, leaving wriggle room and space for seams. Stitch it up, leaving the bottom open and hem the edge. Done! I found it easier to decorate the puppet before stitching it up. On the owl I only left the wings to finish off at the end. Another friend of mine contacted me with tales of being run ragged by her 3-year old grandson. He ...