Sesame chicken & cauliflower sheet pan

When it comes to chicken, you'd think there would be no way of getting it wrong. Think again. This was and I quote my dear other half 'another one of your naff dinners'. He was right. I have been cooking a lot of naff dinners lately and I don't really know why. Perhaps it is universe's way of evening things out, as there was a time when plenty of lovely meals were plated up in our kitchen. Surely it can't be my own fault... Of course it can, but I don't want to admit it. I'm perfectly capable of cooking good food and there are plenty of blogs to prove it. Lately I have made a few questionable choices in regards to substitutes or simply when it comes to picking new recipes. To break the cycle, I may have to reboot and stick to old classics for a while, until the naff-curse has lifted and I'm able to pick successful recipes from the Pinterest jungle once again. As you know by now, I blog most new meals I cook, even those that were not good. One...